+27 82 057 7847 yolandi@ewpcorporation.com

Empowering Women’s Potential

I am passionate about empowering woman to their full potential that is why I started this business in a world where woman are not always seen in a powerful position or leading a successful business, big or small.

I want to empower woman in all the different roles in their lives so that they can conquer anything and everything in life as they have always done. There is so much potential in woman’s leadership, it’s been seen and proven over the last few years, woman can lead powerful organisations and have a positive influence with people she leads.

Women’s empowerment has five components

  • Women’s sense of self-worth
  • Their right to have and to determine choices;
  • Their right to have access to opportunities and resources;
  • Their right to have power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home
  • Their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order.

Important tools for empowering women and girls to claim their rights.

  • Education,
  • Training,
  • Awareness raising,
  • Building self-confidence
  • Expansion of choices,
  • Increased access to and control over resources,
  • Actions to transform the structures and institutions that reinforce and perpetuate gender discrimination and inequality

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